Innocent Emeghara struck a goal in each half as Siena moved off the bottom of Serie A with a 3-0 win over Lazio. Emeghara opened the scoring after only six minutes with a thumping header from Matteo Rubin's cross. Alessandro Rosina doubled Siena's lead with a neat flick at the near post after another superb Rubin delivery. Lazio improved after the break but Siena completed the scoring just after the hour when Emeghara raced clear and lifted the ball over Federico Marchetti.
Maç Tarihi: 18 Feb 2013, 2:45pm EST
Venue: Stadio Communale Atermio Franchi, Montepashi
Players Scored Goller: Siena (Emeghara 7', 61', Rosina 23')

SIE 3-0 LAZ (All Goals) 18.02.2013 ourmatch.net by ourmatch

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